


This is what we have waited for for over 3 1/2 years

Emma - Post Surgery

Emma - Post Surgery
Emma is now a pink baby - no more blue!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16

Sorry I haven't updated over the last week...been busy with Emma.
We thought we were ready to come home on Thursday, February 4, but Wednesday night ended up being a set back. Emma developed strip pnemonia, which ended up keeping us in the hospital another week. They moved her back into ICU on Sunday, February 7 and stayed there until Wednesday the 10th. They put her in ICU to get more intense suctioning of the lungs and to have more personal attention. So, on the 11th we came home, and she is doing fine. Her incisions on the chest are healing well, especially the chest incision. She's scooting around, full of smiles and back to her regular sleeping patterns, along with a healthy appetite as before.
She goes for her first post hospital visit check up on Wednesday, February 17, so hopefully we can ween her off a couple of meds she was sent home with.
Thank you so much to everyone for your thoughts and prayers throughout this life experience. I am very lucky to have as many great people in my life that care so much. Thank you always for your support!
Julie-this post is especially for you! Thanks for being a devoted follower and friend!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today we haven't seen much change - yesterday was kind of a set back. From around 3AM until 6:30AM, doctors were in and out running test and poking at Emma. Apparently she had some fluid between her lungs and skin so they did a procedure to insert a chest tube to allow from drainage. On top of the procedure they ran 2 EKG's, ultrasound, bloodwork and an echogram. The echogram showed a bit of fluid behind the heart, so they started an IV drip and medication to treat that. After all the morning comotion on Thursday it stayed fairly quiet.
Emma (and mom) slept well on Thurday night - few interuptions. The bigs events for Friday consisted on getting the IV removed, weening off the oxygen, and 2 sedatives - pretty bad when one gets excited for a bowel movement, but Emma was having some pretty bad gas pains that have seemed to subsided, thanks to a little help. Emma got out of bed today and sat on my lap, and when Michelle came to visit, she walked into the room and cracked a smile and reached to sit on Michelles lap - could have been the cookie she offered her.
Head RN hinted that we are looking at Monday for a go home date now - they want to make sure her blood cultures are all negative and they will do another heart ultrasound, and if everything looks good, then we get to finally go home. In the meantime, living in the lap of luxory in my recliner chair that doubles as a bed, and fine dining thanks to the cafeteria and Subway. Fun stuff - almost as fun as our trip to China - at least I didn't lose my passport!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, February 2

Today was a good day, after a panickying call last night. I had finally fell into a deep sleep last night when my phone went off at 11:15. It was a 313- number - the only 313 to be calling at that time would be the hospital. Before I could answer it, the call went to voicemail. I call the number back immediately, where I reached the ICU unit of the hospital. They tracked the nurse down that called, the nurse that was taking care of Emma. She was calling to let me know that Emma was moving rooms and to give me the new room number - no emergency. Talk about your heart jumping out of your chest.
But today was good. She is in the non-less serious side of ICU. Today she had all her chest tubes taken out (4) and has been weaned off all but 1 med. Everything is looking good - she is very tired and I'm guessing sore. When the doctors made their rotation today, everything was looking good and reading good. Dr. Walters, her surgeon and the chief surgeon, told me that we should be going home probably on Friday, possibly Thursday. She ate some solid food today and drank juice and kept it down. Otherwise, she was very laid back falling in and out of sleep all day.
Tomorrow they are guessing that she will be moved to a regular floor room in which I will be able to stay the night with her. For now, tonight will be my last night in International Housing.
Say prayers...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today was a good day for Emma. The doctors removed her LAP tube - left artery pulmunary tube that was attached in the heart. They also removed the venilation tube from her nose, so she is breathing on her own now. They are slowly weaning her off the drips and meds. After the nurse gave Emma her bath today, I was able to hold her for the first time since Friday. She didn't want to lay back, but sit up, so that is good. She wasn't up long though and fell back asleep. She looks more peaceful today then she has the last couple of days. The nurses says that alot of times after the venilator comes out they tend to sleep alot. Tomorrow they are planning to remove so chest tubes for her, and hopefully by Wednesday we will be moving to the step down room.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers and keep them coming - they seem to be working!