


This is what we have waited for for over 3 1/2 years

Emma - Post Surgery

Emma - Post Surgery
Emma is now a pink baby - no more blue!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday, January 30

Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Friday was a very long day. We left the house at 4:45 to head to Children's Hospital in Detroit. A little after six they started working on getting Emma ready for pre-op, taking her back to continue with pre-op at 7:15. She had about 2+ hours of just pre-op, inserting lines and such, before the actual surgery started. At 9:15 Dr. Walters, head surgeron of cardiology, had his assistant walk us back to his office. He talked to us about changing the plan for surgery. From the test they had run, the left ventricle appeared to be of normal size, which they had previously thought was smaller. Because of this, he wanted to go ahead and do a full repair of the heart rather they doing the repairs in 2 separate surgeries. Fine with me - signed more paper work and then went back to the waiting room. At 9:55, Colleen, the operating nurse, came out to let us know that the surgery had started and that the chest cavity was opened. At 10:55 Colleen came out again to let us know that they were starting bypass - meaning the blood was being circulated through a machine rather then the heart. We did not hear from Colleen again until almost 4:00, when she let us know that the repairs were done and went well, but they were not going to close her up for a few more hours because they wanted to make sure there was no extra blood standing in the heart cavity. At 5:20 Colleen came and got us and let us see Emma before they rolled her up to ICU - I could tell a huge difference in her color already - she is now pink instead of blue. We then went to the Family Center to wait yet again to be able to go to her room in ICU. At 6:45 we were finally let back to her room - the nurses and doctors had used this time to get her settled and hooked up to everything. The doctor was in the room when we arrived and explained that the procedure consisted of him repairing/rebuilding the left artery - the left artery was almost closed and useless, meaning hardly any blood was getting to her lung. He opened the left artery up for blood flow and placed a patch on the left artery to keep the left artery open for proper blood flow. He then inserted a human valve to assist with blood flow as well - the unfortuate thing about this is that it will need to be replaced periodically as her body grows, so she will have to endure more surgeries over the years.
When we arrived at the hospital this morning, after staying in our steller college dorm-like room and International Housing, which is only a few steps away, we received the report that she had a good night with little changes.
The doctor was in around 8:00, making rounds shortly thereafter and informed us that she is doing well for this point in time - she is in moderate danger, which is where she should be at this time after surgery. He is very positive that the surgery went well. The staff here is amazing - very helpful and considerate - definetly the place to be with a child.
That's all for now - we just sit today since they are keeping her sedated.
Will give an update later tonight.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers - keep them coming!


  1. Wow Sherri...that picture is worth a thousand words. Glad it all went well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let us know if you need anything. Also, Bob will be heading down town tomorrow. If you need something, he can bring it.

  2. See Sherri, I told you I was with you in spirit and prayers; how else could you get a nurse by the name of Colleen? I was thrilled to learn that Emma was healthy enough to undergo both surgeries and that her color already looks better. These little critters are resilient little things; much more so than us! We girls are just waiting for the word from you as to when you are up for going out to dinner...just say "When" and we will be there. Continued love and prayers are sent your family's way.

